Saturday, September 29, 2012

It is a social revolution. And it isn't going away.

It is a full scale social revolution. So some questions:

  • Do you have accounts on all the current social media?

  • Are you active and post content?

  • Do you respond to others?

  • Do you use rich media like photos and video?

This where we are headed fast. For leaders of organizations, do your employees see that you get it? Are you there and relevant? Are you willing to be open?

The future is here and now. Imagine it is the year 2017. Other leaders have been part of the social revolution for years. You decide to start. Will it be too late then?


  1. First and foremost, I agree that social media/social networking is not going away anytime soon. I believe it will only continue to grow and expand across businesses and personal social networking accounts. It is pretty interesting to note that social networking has taken over the numbers of people who use email. Email has been the communication norm for a pretty long time and I guess social networking will take up its place for users in the future. I for one have a lot of social networking accounts, I post content, and I do respond to others. The businesses who utilize social media sites need to stay current by joining more sites, update their content, and realize that the future is now (if they haven't already). Technology moves fast in today's world and companies need to "keep up" or they could indeed fail.

  2. [...] It is a social revolution. And it isn’t going away. ( [...]
