It may not be all about planning but it could be about a better focus. Some of that could be thinks to stop doing. Here are some great questions to begin thinking about for 2013 via 4 Questions to get 2013 off to a roaring start | Escape From Cubicle Nation.
To do this exercise, I suggest getting nice and comfortable, and grabbing a paper and pen. Answer these questions:
1. I am at my very best when …
What conditions bring out your very best work? What kind of work are you doing when you are kicking major bootie? What people bring out your best work? Without overthinking it too much, brainstorm the factors that bring out your best work.
From this list, circle one thing that you will AMPLIFY in 2013.
2. These things drove me crazy in 2012 …
Have you been spinning around with the same annoying patterns in your head? Do you have any people in your life that make you nuts? Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?
Brainstorm the things that have really made you batty this year.
From this list, circle one thing that you will ELIMINATE in 2013
3. I really want to make/do this in 2013 …
Is there an experience you are dying to have next year? Do you want to run your first marathon, write your first book, have your first baby or make your first product? Brainstorm the things or experiences that you would love to accomplish next year.
From this list, circle one thing that you will CREATE in 2013
4. Even during tough times this year, I appreciated …
Even the most optimistic life coaches have really crappy days. Life can be hard sometimes. If you had a whopper of a year, what are some things that you appreciated as the proverbial doo doo was hitting the fan? Brainstorm the big and small things that kept you grounded in 2012.
From this list, circle one thing that you want to APPRECIATE in 2013
[...] Is it too early to think about 2013? Some questions for personal strategic planning ( [...]