Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What is a Digital Business Ecosystem? Do you need one?

 I am concerned that way too many executives have the "bolt on" mentality when comes to being digital. "Being digital" is a unified way of doing business. In that context, it makes sense to have a Chief Digital Officer. In a "bolt on" world, it does not.

As executives, we get to decide if we want to implement a unified approach to delivering programs, products and services to our customers. It is our choice. It should be intentional. It should be well designed.

One aspect of the research I’d like to highlight here is the need to think of digital as more than simply a bolt-on to your business. To create a digital business able to compete in the age of the customer, we need to think of building out a digital business ecosystem. I know what you’re thinking — "not another ecosystem" — and yes, it’s a very overused term, especially by consultants and analysts. But I simply can’t think of a better term to describe the interconnected and codependent relationships needed in a fully digitized business (see diagram). Source: Chief Digital Officer: Fad or Future? | Forrester Research (Nigel Fenwick)

80% of job applicants lie

I found it stunning in the article below that over 80% of candidates lie during the interview.  There is also plenty of data about the same kind of behavior for resumes and applications. 

Over the years, I’ve become a big fan of tools to help improve the hiring process. Recently, I discovered Affintus, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company that features a candidate ranking and matching system that compares every candidate to a unique Job Formula and to every other candidate applying for the job. Job Formulas are matching algorithms that can be tailored to your company and position by simply having your top performers complete the Affintus questionnaire. All this is done upfront, before any candidates are screened or interviewed. I have used it twice myself in the last few months for executive level searches and find it invaluable. Here is a one page overview.

If you would be interested in knowing more, I’d love to chat. Just let me know and I can set up a quick 30 minute conversation. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Now is the time to make different decisions

As a company executive, you have focused on some traditional markets and strategies. Your mission has compelled you to think this way. Maybe you have benefited from direct mail, major customers and marketing funnels. Perhaps your growth over the last 10 years has been from eCommerce. That history and success had you focused on Baby Boomers or the generation before them known as the “Lucky Few” (or “Silent Generation”).

The new reality to deal with is that the connected customer is now (or soon will) become a dominant source of customers for you. Their focus is on the experience and how they feel about your products and services as seen through the “experience” lens. They also know that other connected consumers depend on shared experiences to make decisions. If you are not designing the experience and path you want them to be on, you will not be able to influence in a positive way what they share about you.

This is all about alignment. As you look at your goals and strategies for the next year, a starting point is the experience you want connected customers to be passionate about. As an executive and leader, here are some ideas to focus on. 

  • Test the “connected experience” connected customers are having. For example, make (or have someone else make) several transactions in different ways to your company. What is that experience like?
  • Learn how your connected customers connect and communicate. Regularly try out (and actively use) social media. Only use your smartphone for a week. Quit using email and actively communicate on social media or by text messaging. This list is long but if you learn it you will “get” how other “connected’s” communicate.
  • Become a “discoverer”. Connected’s are always discovering new ways to connect. What are their preferences? What methods do they prefer? What do they value?
  • Think design. Have you designed the experience to be enjoyable, easy to use and to meet connected customer’s needs? Are you measuring that experience? Have you benchmarked with other companies? Have you mapped out (designed) the journey you want them to go on?
  • Lead!!! Yes, you need to be a passionate advocate and in fact lead the charge. No one else can or will do it for you, no matter what your role is.
The reality is that you will not be able to reach customers by mail or phone any longer, unless you know them very well. They aren’t waiting by the mail box for your next direct mail mailer. This isn’t as dire and ominous as it sounds. Opportunities are around every corner. Your new connected customer is waiting on you to connect in new ways. They want to be passionate about you mission. If you relentlessly pursue engaging with them on the channels they rely on, they will continue on the journey with you. Focus on creating stunning experiences for them. Test it yourself and assess, is that experience remarkable? You’ll know if they are sharing and “remarking” on the experience.

It is helpful to think, “Now is the time”. The landscape is shifting but it has not completely shifted yet. One way to look at the experience you have today is to create a document that has on the left side, todays experience and to put on the right side, the connected experience. Where are there gaps? What will it take to change it? What will it cost? Can we test the new experience and see what it does for us?
Now is the time” to recognize customers have already changed.

Now is the time” to design a different experiences.

Now is the time” to make decisions based on intentionally designed customer experiences.

Dr. Shaquille O'Neal Dunks on Investing, Geekery, and Social Media

One of the highlights of SXSW Interactive this year was Dr. Shaquille O'Neal (did you know he had a doctorate degree?). He joined Brian Solis on stage at the Long Center for Performing Arts to a theater packed with adoring fans. Before they took the stage, they spent some time to shoot a special episode of Revolution.

Make your content readable

We all want our content read. That is the objective. Here are some great ideas on how to improve the readability of our sites. As a digital executive, while you have staff devoted to content, you should pay attention to some basic concepts to focus on a content strategy. Strategy is your job.

When your content is highly readable, your audience is able to quickly digest the information you share with them — a worthy goal to have for your website, whether you run a blog, an e-store or your company’s domain.

Best Practices for Improving Your Website's Usability (from Mashable)

Here are some best practices:
  • Use visuals strategically
  • Keep content as concise as possible
  • Use headings to break up long articles
  • Help readers scan your webpages quickly
  • Use bulleted lists and text formatting
  •  Give text blocks sufficient spacing
  • Make hyperlinked text user-friendly
Digital executives understand the basic concepts and make sure the experience for the customer is supported by a great content strategy.