Sunday, July 1, 2012

What kind of business technology scorecard do you use?

I have been working with Nigel Fenwick at Forrester Research to transform my Business Technology focus. He suggest to me that I use a new framework for our balanced scorecard. It made sense so I have transformed our senior management performance standards for this fiscal year.

I highly recommend the approach Nigel is advocating for in his blog. He has some great visuals in it as well.
It's time to re-think the report card used by CIOs to report on BT performance – tomorrow’s BT CIOs must look beyond the traditional IT Balanced Scorecard (BSC).

I realize this is sacred ground for many people in IT (and some of my colleagues here at Forrester), so let me explain myself before I receive a barrage of complaints. The philosophy behind Business Technology (BT) recognizes technology as integral to every facet of every organization – as such, IT is very much an integral part of the business; we can no longer talk about “business” and “IT” as if referring to two distinct things. I’m suggesting that in the age of BT, we need a new scorecard that better reflects the impact of BT on the business.

via Does BT Need A New Report Card? | Forrester Blogs.


  1. [...] What kind of business technology scorecard do you use? ( [...]

  2. I use a model for a balanced scorecard that Forrester Research analyst Nigel Fenwick suggested. It has been very helpful.
